Informationen / Biografie über Kenneth Friend

A youth spent drawing in my room, only looking up to change the record to the other side. A two year diploma programme in fine arts at the Langara Campus of Vancouver Community College in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Completed a bachelors degree in European history and Germanic studies at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Completed a masters degree in European and East Asian history and began a doctoral programme at the University of Alberta, Edomonton, Alberta, Canada. Moved to Freiburg, Germany, where I gradually lost track of my studies, got married and lived, then divorced, then moved to Hamburg. Have been working a s a freelance translator in Hamburg, Germany, where I live with my girlfriend and my daughter. Have gradually been finding my way back to art. The last two years studying privately at Atelier Altona, and various Volkshochschule courses in painting and drawing. In September 2014 I will start a sructured two year programme in painting and drawing with a private school in Hamburg, Germany.

I am inspired by the bold colours and hard lines of the Fauves and the woodcuts of the German Expressionists. My works are generally large (100 cm plus) and expansive. Not everything is always where it?s supposed to be yet, but many find a certain power and expression in my style, and my works have presence. See for yourself.